Reconditioning your sails
If your main is the original it's probably blown out. If the fabric is OK, it
might be able to be reconditioned. Before you buy new sails have them evaluated by Sail Care. Worst case they'll
say it is not worth reconditioning and you'll be out the mailing costs. I've read some very good things about Sail Care
800-433-7245 but have not used them myself. This is
what I'd do.
New Sails
If SailCare can't recondition yours you can get a price on a new one. If
they have your old one it will be easier to match it to your requirements. It's
important that the actual luff, leech and foot measurements be available when
shopping for sails - Don't rely on the I, J, P & E measurements listed in
Hunter's literature.
Then check a other few companies that sell sails as a basis of comparison
with Sail Care.
Practical Sailor did a review of sail retailers in March 2005 and listed
these companies as being good sources. Once you have the Luff, Leech and Foot
measurements call a couple of these companies for prices so you can compare
against the Sail Care price.
National Sail Supply got the nod from Practical Sailor for offering the best
price and by far the most attentive responses. As far as used sails go, PS
gave the nod to the Sail Exchange.
A recent discussion on sail vendors on
indicates Atlantic Sail Traders got very
high marks from former customers.